As I reported recently, the overall reversal rates for the fourteen courts of appeals is right at about the average from the past few years. There are a few individual courts that had some noteworthy numbers.
Continue Reading 2018 Reversal Rates for Intermediate Appellate Courts
Texas Supreme Court trends
2018 Texas Supreme Court Numbers are in…
With the close of 2018, the statistics for opinion disposition by the Texas Supreme Court are in. I’m still crunching numbers and will follow this post with additional statistics, but here’s what some of the preliminary data show for the 2018 calendar year:
Continue Reading 2018 Texas Supreme Court Numbers are in…
The Texas Supreme Court’s Docket, Part 1
For well over a decade, the Supreme Court of Texas has been presented with more than 1000 different matters each fiscal year. These matters consist of petitions for review, petitions for writs of mandamus, certified questions, petitions for habeas corpus, direct appeals, and a handful of other miscellaneous items. The bulk of the court’s docket consists of petitions for review, which are either denied or granted.
Continue Reading The Texas Supreme Court’s Docket, Part 1